
Docker and the Power of Continuous Learning

Join the journey of continuous learning and gain insights into the importance of grasping the foundations before venturing into uncharted territories.
Nick Wilkinson 3 min read
Docker and the Power of Continuous Learning
Photo by Ian Taylor / Unsplash

Have you ever found yourself using Docker without really understanding the commands and instructions? I certainly have. After using Docker for a while, I realised that I was blindly following instructions without truly grasping the underlying concepts. That's when I decided to delve deeper into Docker and expand my knowledge beyond the surface level.

What is Docker?

Docker is an invaluable tool that enables you to package and run applications in containers. These containers are isolated from one another, allowing multiple applications to coexist on the same machine without causing conflicts. Docker simplifies application deployment and management while bolstering security measures.

Docker: Accelerated, Containerized Application Development
Docker is a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run modern applications. We handle the tedious setup, so you can focus on the code.

How learning Docker has helped me

Learning Docker inside out has proven incredibly beneficial, both for my professional growth and for creating content on my YouTube channel. Whenever I record a video demonstrating a process, it is crucial for me to comprehensively explain each step. This realisation prompted me to reevaluate my understanding of Docker.

One prime example that caught my attention was the distinction between Docker Volumes and Binding Mounts. I noticed that I frequently used both in my Docker Compose files, but failed to explain the difference. This knowledge gap compelled me to embark on a learning journey, ensuring that I fully comprehend these concepts rather than just blindly following commands.

Specifically, I recognised that I often utilised binding mounts unnecessarily, where volumes would have offered better file security and simplified backups. Since I didn't grasp this concept completely, I couldn't warn my viewers or myself about the more suitable options.

Bind mounts
Using bind mounts

The importance of continuous practice

The key lesson here is that no matter how much you think you know, the learning process should never cease. I often refer to the Dunning-Kruger effect to illustrate this concept. The less you know, the more confident you tend to be, but as you acquire more knowledge, you realise just how much you still have to learn.

Therefore, it is crucial to embrace continuous learning and solidify your understanding of the fundamentals before venturing off on your own. This approach ensures that you build a strong foundation and avoid blind reliance on superficial knowledge.


Learning Docker has been an immensely rewarding experience for me. It has enhanced my understanding of application workings and empowered me to deploy them securely and efficiently. To those interested in delving deeper into Docker, I encourage you to explore the wealth of online resources available.

The course I use is -

I hope you found this blog post helpful. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

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